Quality, Unmetered cPanel Website Hosting – Without Breaking The Bank!
+44 (0)3303 501262 (M-F: 6pm – 12am GMT)


Clear pricing and no catches

At poundawebsite, the clue is in the name, we offer website hosting at £1.00 + VAT + a small handling fee per cPanel account, with one website hosted per cPanel account. Resource boosts are available.

No long contracts

All of our contracts roll on a month to month basis. We do this because we aim to wow you and not to trap you. If you want to leave at any time, you are welcome to but, of course, we’d hope that you’d speak to us first! You are welcome to transfer to or renew your existing website domain(s) with us, point your domain(s) to our nameservers or lease your domains through us. The choice is yours.