Quality, Unmetered cPanel Website Hosting – Without Breaking The Bank!
+44 (0)3303 501262 (M-F: 6pm – 12am GMT)


Kindness doesn’t cost anything

At poundawebsite, we welcome personal and business clients, both new to running their own websites and for those that are more experienced.

In my experience, as Founding Director of poundawebsite, I have experienced some of the best website hosting and some of the worst when I first started hosting my own websites when I was 16 years old. One bugbear of mine, over the years, has been poor client service. I split client service into two:

  1. The ability to self-serve if you want to – including comprehensive, up to date information availability;
  2. Knowledgeable staff being on hand to guide you, if you need it.


I won’t mention the worst of the website hosting companies as it is rather mean spirited but I will give a special mention to a company that no longer exists, 5quidhost – who I eventually settled with. The lads that I dealt with at 5quidhost were always quick to respond to online tickets with a human touch and, when I took an interest in developing my technical skills, they were always happy to help me to accomplish a task by myself, going through it over the telephone.

Newbie Friendly

That brings me on to one of our company principles – we are newbie friendly. When you first start out, website hosting can be quite a daunting experience. Those of our Clients who are dab hands at website design and/or development will remember all too well. Some of our Clients prefer a conversation, others prefer a comprehensive self-help section to read and watch at their leisure. At poundawebsite, we regularly add to our knowledgebase and include helpful how-to videos through our accompanying YouTube channel.

Not everyone likes coding

If you can’t or don’t want to code, SitePad drag and drop Website Builder is included for free. All poundawebsite Clients have access as standard with a wide range of mobile-friendly, responsive templates to suit your needs and to ensure that your own Clients or visitors have a seemlessly professional experience every time. If you prefer Content Management Systems like Drupal, Joomla or WordPress, – take your pick, we support them all.

Client service was at the heart of how 5quidhost operated and I have never forgotten that experience. I certainly draw inspiration from the Directors and team of 5quidhost in going on to, 19 years later, run my own website hosting company here at poundawebsite.

Why not give us a go today? We deliberately only offer month to month contracts with no catches and we’ll migrate your website(s) and Email inboxes in for free to have you up and running in next to no time. You’ll be pleasantly surprised how your cPanel website hosting lacks none of the functionality that other website hosting companies offer.